Hot Air

Is it illegal to film in a police station?

This is a question that popped up over at Reason, where Joe Lancaster has studied the applicable laws. Is it legal for private citizens to film the actions of the police, not just in public, but inside the publicly available sections of police stations? I’ll confess that my immediate response was to assume that the answer would pretty much always be “yes.” But it turns out that the police don’t always agree and many departments have attempted to enact and enforce bans on filming their activities. And even when sunshine laws are passed in some states assuring the rights of citizens to do this, the police have attempted to find ways to get around those laws. The NYPD in particular has been problematic in this area, seeking to stop residents from filming their activities. They offer some reasons for taking this position that might make sense to some people… sort of. But it’s still not a good look.Read More 

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