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Is Joe Biden intentionally tanking his own approval ratings?

Last week, we looked at Joe Biden’s latest approval ratings, which turned out to be even more dreadful than the previous month’s results. Biden was down across the board, but he took an unusually larger hit in approval of his handling of climate issues, traditionally one of his stronger points. At the New York Sun, Russell Payne examines these numbers and arrives at one likely explanation for the drop and a more remarkable potential explanation as to how and why this trend is showing up. The drop in approval isn’t simply the result of external forces beyond Biden’s control or even the poor results his policies have produced. Payne suggests that Uncle Joe is engaged in an intentional tradeoff in anticipation of a tough general election in 2024. In other words, he could be knowingly pushing down his own approval numbers for a reason. Does that sound crazy? Of course it does. But bear with me for a moment and it might make more sense.Read More 

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