Hot Air

Is The Air Force Going to Drop the NGAD? – HotAir

Sometimes, I wonder whether the Pentagon is the biggest danger to America’s military. 

Perhaps that is a bit harsh–after all, by sheer chance, all those bureaucrats must accomplish something good. And to a certain extent, wasted money is the cost of doing business in the military–efficiency of the type you see in corporations is often anathema to resilience, which theoretically is vital when you are talking about hardware that is subject to attrition and use by people of varying skill and ability. 

But recent history suggests that the procurement process at the Pentagon is so broken that tens of billions of dollars are thrown down the garbage disposal and important capabilities are never realized. 

The latest example is the potential cancellation of the Next Generation Air Dominance aircraft, which recent reports suggest is in deep trouble and may be on the chopping block. 


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