Hot Air

Is the Election Over Yet? – HotAir

I recently received some unexpected good news from an old friend I hadn’t heard from in a while. She had been feeling down in the dumps and dealing with what sounded to my untrained ear like a bout of depression. But now she sounded positively upbeat, describing all of the things she was getting done around her home and some upcoming plans she has in the works. I asked about her secret to success and she very simply stated that she had “turned off the election.” She had shut down cable news as much as possible, worked on projects around her property, and visited friends. When the weather was bad, she watched old, classic films on DVD.

It only took a moment for a light to go off over my head. Cable news is currently little more than an endless series of interviews, town halls, and rallies, each demanding hours of endless analysis about how this or that policy proposal will spell the…

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