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Is the UK actually making the four day work week work?

I’ll confess that whenever the subject of a standardized four-day work week has come up, I’ve rolled my eyes. That’s for a variety of reasons, but it’s always struck me as an idea that would be very disruptive to productivity and a retreat from the work ethic that fueled the growth of the American industrial base. Still, there have been some areas where it’s been attempted, but few on as large of a scale as the United Kingdom attempted last year. 61 companies with a total of nearly 3,000 workers shifted to four-day work weeks for their workers for six months as part of a trial program developed by a coalition of nonprofit groups and universities. And now that the trial period is up, most of them have reported that it worked and most of them are going to continue to do it. But can this really last? (PBS)Read More 

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