Hot Air

Israel Will and SHOULD Ignore Calls for Cease Fires – HotAir

If a war is not existential, finding paths to peace that everybody can live with should be the ultimate goal. 

Most wars since the Treaty of Westphalia in the 17th century have ended this way. Even World War I was more a great power conflict than an existential battle for survival, and while it ended with a lousy treaty it ended with a treaty. 

Israel’s wars have been existential wars; the country was literally fighting for survival both for the state and for the people. While most Muslim countries are now reconciled to peace and even cooperation with Israel, the Islamists of Iran and its allies are not. They want Israel gone for good and the Jews all dead. 

In existential wars, you give no quarter to your enemy. Israel has tried this strategy many times and it has never worked. Iran calls America the Great Satan and Israel the Little Satan, and it openly calls for death to…

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