Hot Air

It Seems Like British Police Would Be Watching Trains Instead of X If They Wanted to Stop ‘Crime’ – HotAir

So, there I was, messaging with Ebola a few minutes ago. I’d found this completely whack (to me anyway) story about parking problems and scofflaws at a “major” British airport. rather than pay to park, Ebola tells me it’s a time-honored tradition (also in Germany, he says) to stuff your vehicle into the airport’s access roads regardless of whether another vehicle can get by you or not. After choking at the quoted rates – £7 for fifteen minutes (like, GULP), which is set to rise to £10 for half an hour, and £15 for a full hour, I kind of understood the impulse to find a shoulder to put your car on. But I also sympathize with drivers wanting to beat the crap out of you for blocking the roads and airport access. We don’t have that problem here.

All I could think was it’s like highway robbery, only in a car park. I was hoping he didn’t have to ever pick someone up there – circle the…

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