Red state

Italian Replaces French As Europe’s Sexiest Language – RedState

When I was in my late twenties and had just left my first stint of Army duty, I moved to Colorado and eventually got a job with a medical manufacturer running their big, rail-car-sized sterilizer. It was a gas sterilizer and used a mix called “12-88,” because it was 12 percent ethylene oxide (EtO) and 88 percent freon. Incidentally, the sterilizer’s exhaust was a pipe that ran straight up to the roof; I once ran the numbers and figured we were exhausting between 10 and 12 tons of freon into the atmosphere every week. But it was the EtO that was the nasty stuff; EtO can kill you if you build up too much in your system, and once it’s in your system, it never leaves; your metabolism can’t get rid of it. So, when I took this job, I had to have blood drawn and a general pre-employment physical to establish what, if any, levels of this nasty stuff were in my system before my…

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