Hot Air

‘It’s like giving a bunch of 6-year-olds Tasers’ – HotAir

The University of Michigan has spent a quarter of a billion dollars on the promotion of DEI over the past decade, building the largest DEI bureaucracy at any school in the country. So what has it gotten for all of that investment? Not much according to a lengthy report by Nicholas Confessore. What it has produced is a campus overrun with DEI language.

Leaders of the University of Michigan, one of America’s most prestigious public universities, like to say that their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is inseparable from the pursuit of academic excellence. Most students must take at least one class addressing “racial and ethnic intolerance and resulting inequality.” Doctoral students in educational studies must take an “equity lab” and a racial-justice seminar. Computer-science students are quizzed on microaggressions.

Programs across the university are couched…

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