Red state

Jamie Raskin Latest Democrat to Assault the Constitution, Says Electoral College ‘Can Get You Killed’ – RedState

The Democrats are always prattling on about the supposed “threat to democracy” that Donald Trump and the GOP pose, yet time after time, it’s they themselves who are constantly undermining the Constitution with their attacks on the Supreme Court and their attempts to “reform it,” their endless assaults on free speech, and, of course, their stated goal to nuke the electoral college.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who disgraced himself by spitting on the Constitution by serving as the lead House manager in Trump’s second silly impeachment trial, is the latest Dem to deliver unhinged remarks on this topic as he spoke Friday with The Free Speech project at the Riggs Library in Washington D.C.

About the Electoral College, he said, “These days [it] can get you killed.” 

Wow. I knew it was important, but I confess to being unaware that it might kill you. The process caused January 6,…

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