Hot Air

January 6 is a Political Dead Horse – HotAir

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) delivered some campaign advice to Joe Biden – stop campaigning on Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021. Move on, Joe.

For some unexplained reason, the Biden campaign thought it was a good idea to take Biden to Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, about 15 miles from Valley Forge, where George Washington rallied the Continental Army to fight the British almost 250 years ago. I guess the purpose was to compare Washington to Biden. It’s ridiculous on many levels, but Team Biden is absolutely clueless, lost in their own little bubble.

George Washington could not lie. Joe Biden is a serial liar.

When Joe Biden delivers a speech, usually the White House has to smooth over or explain his remarks. Especially when he goes off the teleprompter, Biden’s staff just holds their breath because they are afraid what he will say. The Biden campaign has decided to bring back…

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