Hot Air

Javier Milei Brings Cleansing Fire of Truth to UN Snek Den – HotAir

This has been an interesting couple of days.

We are all used to Donald Trump’s defense of the American way of life and Western values. And entirely too familiar with the sneers with which his message has been received by the ruling elite both here and in Europe since gliding down that New York City escalator years ago.

As American president and leader of the free world, he was a pretty ronery guy when it came to Europe supporting him.  That famous picture of Merkel practically climbing over a table at Trump illustrates it beautifully to this day.

GAWD, I love this photo (And God bless Shinzo Abe’s memory.).

For the intervening, Trump-free years, the ineffectual, intellectual, cultured political aristocracy has held sway in the halls of power. Busy ceding their countries’ sovereignty and power to wealthy, unelected manipulators in toney European resort cities or bastions of old world…

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