Hot Air

Joe Biden Celebrates Super Tuesday by Looking Confused Again – HotAir

Yesterday, we witnessed another example of KJP having to rush to the defense of Joe Biden’s mental acuity after a reporter asked why the President always relied on note cards when delivering remarks. She bristled at the remark and launched into the standard defense of Biden, talking about what a success his presidency has been and how he “delivers” for the American people. He’s “done more in three years than most presidents do in two terms.” You know the drill. But the timing of that defense was particularly awkward. Only a few hours later, Biden read from another set of note cards, but when reporters attempted to work in some questions, Biden once again drifted off, blankly staring ahead before mumbling about how he’d better not take any questions or he would “get into trouble.” (NY Post)

A confused-looking President Biden once again admitted he’d get in “trouble” for taking…

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