Hot Air

Joe Biden Takes a Pass on CBS Super Bowl Interview – HotAir

Joe Biden declined an invitation to be interviewed on Super Bowl Sunday. CBS was turned down. It is the second year in a row that Biden declined Super Bowl Sunday interviews.

Granted, last year’s Super Bowl was on Fox and there is no way Joe Biden would sit for an interview with that network. Fox offered Bret Baier or Shannon Bream to conduct the interview. Biden has avoided Fox News Channel since he became president. He’s following through with the boycott Barack Obama demanded of Democrats against Fox during his administration. It’s a huge mistake most Democrats make. Fox continues to be the highest-rated cable news channel and it’s not even close. Joe Biden’s handlers have been very careful to only consent to interviews with news anchors who are very friendly to the president.

So, why is he turning down an interview with CBS? In recent years, presidents have done an…

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