Hot Air

Joe Biden’s Scary Speech on Jan. 6 – HotAir

Last Friday, ahead of the anniversary of Jan. 6, President Joe Biden gave a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to kick off his 2024 campaign. His theme was that the upcoming presidential election will determine whether or not America remains a democracy because a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to end democracy in America.

Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot make the election about his achievements.

Because he has none that warrant his reelection. In every way, he has made America a worse country.

He has terribly damaged the economy — increased an already unsustainable national debt; changed an energy-independent and energy-exporting country into an energy dependent and energy-importing one.

He hurt America and the world by withdrawing — and…

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