Hot Air

John Cleese’s Joke Fell Flat…But He Makes a Good Point About Humor – HotAir

It was a really bad, stupid joke.

Cleese is a funny guy, and as I have gotten older, I appreciate the Monty Python movies more each year. They anticipated some of the most absurd aspects of 21st-century culture. They made fun of Woke before there was such a thing.

Cleese, though, has a really bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and like so many TDS sufferers, he has to scream out his bad takes to the world. And like all people with TDS he has a lot of really bad takes about the former president.

Bad takes like this one:

Cleese insisted that this was a funny joke, and we just didn’t get the “context.”

Unlike some people, I am always a bit glad these days when TDS sufferers spew out their bile. First of all, I believe in free speech on principle, and secondly, it helps me identify people who have gone…

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