On Tuesday, MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid launched into a vicious attack again Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis due to his committing the grave sin of protecting public school children in his state from racial and sexual indoctrination. Reid was so incensed that she compared it to the “cultural genocide” that took place in the 1800s against Native Americans. If you needed proof of how demonic and historically illiterate Reid is, this is all the evidence you need.
Reid kicked off the segment by rehashing the story of what happened to Native Americans without giving her viewers any context for why she was bringing this up:
Between 1869 and the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of Native American children were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in boarding schools operated by the federal government. The children were punished for speaking their native languages. Their names were changed and their hair cut off. They were forced to study only English and convert to Christianity.
Reid then sought to compare what happened back then to what DeSantis is doing now to protect innocent school children: “This brutal campaign was a form of cultural genocide, to further erase the indigenous population and though this is an extreme example, America’s practice of forced assimilation continues today.”
Despite admitting it’s an “extreme example,” she continued making the argument that banning the Marxist indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT) or sexual grooming like LGBT courses is the same as punishing Native Americans for speaking their native languages.
“Like in Florida where Ron DeSantis is barring education about race, gender, sexual orientation, or any part of history that might make white Christians feel bad,” Reid whined. Adding: “His education department has even rejected an advanced placement course covering African American studies. Saying the class indoctrinates students to a political agenda.”
“They’re force-fed lessons that only serve to lionize white heterosexual Christian men. By design, it offers these young minds little choice but to assimilate into mainstream, I.E. white culture,” she proclaimed.
Of course, to Reid, learning about our founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, or great American presidents like Abraham Lincoln would be considered “lionizing white heterosexual Christian men.” This is because everything is about race to Joy Reid.
This racial segment on MSNBC was made possible thanks to the endorsement of United Healthcare. Their information is linked so you can contact them.
To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:
MSNBC’s The ReidOut
7:41:17 p.m. Eastern
JOY REID: Between 1869 and the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of Native American children were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in boarding schools operated by the federal government. The children were punished for speaking their native languages. Their names were changed and their hair cut off. They were forced to study only English and convert to Christianity. This brutal campaign was a form of cultural genocide, to further erase the indigenous population and though this is an extreme example, America’s practice of forced assimilation continues today.
Like in Florida where Ron DeSantis is barring education about race, gender, sexual orientation, or any part of history that might make white Christians feel bad. His education department has even rejected an advanced placement course covering African American studies. Saying the class indoctrinates students to a political agenda. It’s a pot really calling the kettle black situation because it’s actually educational erasure that indoctrinates children, children of color, who are the majority now, are taught nothing about themselves. Instead, they’re force-fed lessons that only serve to lionize white heterosexual Christian men. By design, it offers these young minds little choice but to assimilate into mainstream, I.E. white culture.
As we know, this country has a history of that. Also on the chopping block is intersectional knowledge, the idea that overlapping identities create unique dynamics and forms of oppression or discrimination, which is why DeSantis singled out the work of Kimberly Crenshaw, the scholar who coined the term intersectionality more than 30 years ago. But on Monday, DeSantis made it clear that he could use a course on what intersectionality even means.
GOV. RON DESANTIS: This course on black history, what’s one of the lessons about? Queer theory. Now, who would say that an important part of black history is queer theory? That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids.
On Tuesday, MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid launched into a vicious attack again Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis due to his committing the grave sin of protecting public school children in his state from racial and sexual indoctrination. Reid was so incensed that she compared it to the “cultural genocide” that took place in the 1800s against Native Americans. If you needed proof of how demonic and historically illiterate Reid is, this is all the evidence you need.
Reid kicked off the segment by rehashing the story of what happened to Native Americans without giving her viewers any context for why she was bringing this up:
Between 1869 and the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of Native American children were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in boarding schools operated by the federal government. The children were punished for speaking their native languages. Their names were changed and their hair cut off. They were forced to study only English and convert to Christianity.
Reid then sought to compare what happened back then to what DeSantis is doing now to protect innocent school children: “This brutal campaign was a form of cultural genocide, to further erase the indigenous population and though this is an extreme example, America’s practice of forced assimilation continues today.”
Despite admitting it’s an “extreme example,” she continued making the argument that banning the Marxist indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT) or sexual grooming like LGBT courses is the same as punishing Native Americans for speaking their native languages.
“Like in Florida where Ron DeSantis is barring education about race, gender, sexual orientation, or any part of history that might make white Christians feel bad,” Reid whined. Adding: “His education department has even rejected an advanced placement course covering African American studies. Saying the class indoctrinates students to a political agenda.”
“They’re force-fed lessons that only serve to lionize white heterosexual Christian men. By design, it offers these young minds little choice but to assimilate into mainstream, I.E. white culture,” she proclaimed.
Of course, to Reid, learning about our founding fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, or great American presidents like Abraham Lincoln would be considered “lionizing white heterosexual Christian men.” This is because everything is about race to Joy Reid.
This racial segment on MSNBC was made possible thanks to the endorsement of United Healthcare. Their information is linked so you can contact them.
To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:
MSNBC’s The ReidOut
7:41:17 p.m. Eastern
JOY REID: Between 1869 and the 1960s, hundreds of thousands of Native American children were forcibly removed from their homes and placed in boarding schools operated by the federal government. The children were punished for speaking their native languages. Their names were changed and their hair cut off. They were forced to study only English and convert to Christianity. This brutal campaign was a form of cultural genocide, to further erase the indigenous population and though this is an extreme example, America’s practice of forced assimilation continues today.
Like in Florida where Ron DeSantis is barring education about race, gender, sexual orientation, or any part of history that might make white Christians feel bad. His education department has even rejected an advanced placement course covering African American studies. Saying the class indoctrinates students to a political agenda. It’s a pot really calling the kettle black situation because it’s actually educational erasure that indoctrinates children, children of color, who are the majority now, are taught nothing about themselves. Instead, they’re force-fed lessons that only serve to lionize white heterosexual Christian men. By design, it offers these young minds little choice but to assimilate into mainstream, I.E. white culture.
As we know, this country has a history of that. Also on the chopping block is intersectional knowledge, the idea that overlapping identities create unique dynamics and forms of oppression or discrimination, which is why DeSantis singled out the work of Kimberly Crenshaw, the scholar who coined the term intersectionality more than 30 years ago. But on Monday, DeSantis made it clear that he could use a course on what intersectionality even means.
GOV. RON DESANTIS: This course on black history, what’s one of the lessons about? Queer theory. Now, who would say that an important part of black history is queer theory? That is somebody pushing an agenda on our kids.