Red state

Judge Rules Trump to Remain on Washington State Primary, General Ballots – RedState

On Tuesday in the state of Washington, Superior Court Judge Mary Sue Wilson rejected a suit to remove former President Donald Trump from both that state’s primary and general election ballots. The challenge to Trump’s presence on the ballot was yet another bid to remove the former President on 14th Amendment grounds.

Wilson said she found Secretary of State Steve Hobbs (D) “acted consistent with his duties” during the process of making the candidate lists based on the parties’ submissions, the secretary of state’s office confirmed.

“An order directing the secretary of state to take different action, an order from this court, is simply not supported by the statutes and not supported by the affidavit of the electors,” Wilson said in her ruling.

Hobbs in a statement Thursday said he is “grateful” Wilson acknowledged he and his staff “have been working in full…

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