News Busters

Jury Is Out on If Spending Caused ‘Inflation — If At All’

CNN, to no one’s surprise, tried to play Gotcha! by claiming President Donald Trump was “bucking” his campaign promise to cut prices immediately upon taking office, and ended up making the network look more idiotic than it already does. That is a feat unto itself.

CNN took aim at Trump’s recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity where he stated that “‘Inflation is back.’”

He continued: “I had nothing to do with it. These people have — have run the country. They spent money like nobody has ever spent.”

After CNN Business Executive Editor David Goldman conceded Trump was correct in some respects, he then took a nosedive into the logical toilet and pulled the flush lever: “Trump’s argument that Biden is to blame for inflation is up for debate.”

Then it just got worse: “So the jury is decidedly out on how much federal…

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