Hot Air

Just How Bad Was the Bowman Loss? – HotAir

The dust is settling from yesterday’s primary races and if you were following our live updates of the races in New York, you already know that Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman lost by a significant margin to Westchester County Executive George Latimer. At the end of this term, he will become the first “Squad” member to be evicted from Congress. Unfortunately, he may be the only one to face that fate because AOC handily fended off her own challenger in her district. But just how bad of a beating did Bowman take? As it turns out, it wasn’t quite as much of a blowout as the polls were predicting, though it was a wide enough margin that the race was called relatively early and Bowman delivered a concession speech. (More on that below.) The Free Beacon has the final scores this morning. 

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) became the first “Squad” member to lose reelection, falling to Westchester…

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