Hot Air

Just What Is Meant When Israel Is Accused of Killing ‘Journalists?’ – HotAir

As I keep telling you, the Left’s most powerful tool in their tyrannical toolbox is the manipulation of words. 

At least so far. Violence is the second-most powerful tool in their toolbox in the United States, but it may soon surpass brainwashing as the primary tool they use. 

A case in point is how Israel gets the blame for killing civilians, journalists, “children,” and “aid workers.” These are all very sympathetic groups, and if Israel were really targeting them in order to get revenge on Hamas they would deserve much of the criticism they are being subjected to. 

But the definition of these categories, when applied to Hamasniks, isn’t what you think it is, and to prove that point let’s look at one “journalist” who was killed by Israelis and ask ourselves, “Is this type of person we normally categorize as a ‘journalist?'”

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