Vice President Kamala Harris was torched by social media users on Friday after video surfaced of her presiding over the U.S. Senate and scrambling for the words to the Pledge of Allegiance.
In several clips posted on X from the swearing-in ceremony for new senators, Harris can be seen standing up and placing her hand over her heart as she called on members of the Senate to join her “in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.”
While the first few words go smoothly, with her reciting, “I pledge allegiance…,” that’s as far as she gets before she messes up.
After Harris said the word “allegiance,” she added, “to the United States of America,” while everyone else in the chamber said the correct line, which is “to the flag of the United States of America.”
Kamala just flubbed the Pledge of Allegiance while presiding over the Senate lmfao