Hot Air

Kamala Harris’ Battleground Blues – HotAir

Polling data, as is the norm going into the final sprint to November, continues to pour in. And yet with all of the ups and downs, the one underlying fact is Kamala Harris is consistently underperforming compared to both Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in the last two election cycles, contests with the same common denominator – Donald Trump as the opponent. 

Over the weekend, two national polls, one released by NBC News, and the other by CBS News, padded the Real Clear Politics average for Kamala Harris. Her lead is now up to 2.2%. NBC has the race at Harris +5, and CBS has it at Harris +4. So what to make of these numbers?

First, the NBC poll is of registered voters, not likely voters, so that’s a big strike against it this close to the election. If you’re not a likely voter by the end of September, you’re just taking up polling space. Second, it’s always useful to go to the…

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