Hot Air

Kamala Harris Is a Monster – HotAir

Gosh, Beege. We know you don’t like her, but isn’t that kinda harsh?” the tender-hearted among you might ask.


As we are, in theory, a family-friendly site, I can’t wax as poetic as I’d like, so I’ll stick to that – ‘monster’ will have to do.

And she’s monstrous in so many ways; it’s almost like a demented form of talent. 

We ll know she’s an inarticulate puddle of goo when she’s let off the scripted hook. But her instincts are so base, so vile, and so authoritarian that sometimes it doesn’t matter what argle-bargle dribbles out in the end. What she’s done or is planning to do is so ghastly that you barely hear the words.

And then she has the unmitigated gall to pretend none of it happened. Or, as Bernie said, she’s playing the pragmatic politician to win. 

Lying with a sincere and empathetic straight face.

A video just emerged today that puts a horrifying lie to Harris’s…

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