Red state

Kamala Voters in MI Panicking, Threaten to Leave the US If Trump Wins – RedState

Canada sure seems to be a popular destination for Americans who suddenly find themselves in a position where leaving the United States is a good idea – at least in their fevered imaginations. The problem is, these people, who are almost exclusively creatures of the loony left (yes, I know that’s a redundancy) almost never follow through on their threats. 

On Friday, Politico gave us some examples from Michigan – and these people are daffy.

“Oh, God, she has to win: I don’t want to live in a Trumpian hellscape,” said Erin Conklin, a 62-year-old retired homemaker and artist. “We might have to leave: Canada, if they’ll take us.”

Gabriela Jelinek, a 32-year-old marketer from Grand Rapids who took meetings at her day job while waiting for the rally at the park, said she had begun gaming out how she would survive a Trump victory.

“Truthfully, I have thought about moving out…

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