Hot Air

Kamala’s ‘Day 1’ Is Too Late for the Biden-HARRIS Economic Damage Being Done Right Now – HotAir

Part of the Herculean job of remaking Kamala Harris into a figurehead resembling a marginally rational human being is pretending that she was never part of the administration that proudly gave us #Bidenomics. And when I say proudly, I mean just that – they thought it was the greatest thing going since sliced organic whole wheat bread.

A mere year ago, her rhetoric was chockful of “when President Biden and I took office, WE decided…” The “we’s” and the “I’s” abound through this brag session. She made sure that her tandem ownership of whatever economic mileage was to be squeezed out of #Bidenomics was stamped on it for all to see. This wasn’t Joe’s solo show at work and there was no way she was letting the old geezer get credit for the whole thing – oh, no.


 She was stable…

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