Hot Air

Kamala’s Media Blitz Is a Disaster – HotAir

Kamala Harris has a real shot at becoming president, but if she does, it will be because her voters hate Trump. It is impossible to believe that anybody thinks she is presidential material. She is stupid and proves it every time she opens her mouth.

This shouldn’t be a controversial thing to say. I know Democrats who will openly admit that they think Harris is awful–and her pre-candidacy poll numbers and disastrous 2019 presidential campaign prove that almost everybody knows that she is stupid and incompetent. 

That’s why she was hidden from the media for so long and has gone through several “reboots” going back years. The JOY! and “Brat Summer” versions of her campaign worked for a while, but her internal polling must show that she needs to answer questions. Thus her “media blitz” this week. 

It’s been a disaster because she is stupid and incompetent. She has made flub after…

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