Hot Air

Kamala’s Not Black – HotAir

I’ve been among those who have never quite understood the entire brouhaha that has erupted this summer over the question of Kamala Harris’ racial profile. I cringe whenever I hear Donald Trump bring it up instead of remaining on topic and focusing on policy differences between his first term and the Biden/Harris administration. Yet somehow the question of Harris’ racial background keeps rising up from the grave like the ghost of Halloweens past. This contagion has spread beyond the two campaign organizations. For reasons I can only begin to imagine, pop singer Janet Jackson decided to weigh in on the “issue” this weekend during an interview that she did with The Guardian. Rather than attempting any sort of nuance, the singer came out and flatly declared that “she’s not black.” Perhaps sensing that she might be getting out over her skis a bit, she then attempted to “clarify” what she…

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