Hot Air

Kamala’s Voters Are Just Racist… and Sexist Also – HotAir

If Kamala Harris has all of the momentum behind her as so many poll analysts insist, how is it that she isn’t opening up huge leads across the board? I don’t expect you to take the admittedly provocative title of this article at face value, particularly coming from a curmudgeonly conservative such as myself. But in this case, I’m not the one making the argument. Would you instead take the word of Barack Obama, the person many suspect has been running the show from behind the scenes ever since Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump? During a rally in Pittsburgh yesterday, Obama struggled to explain the nominee’s struggles in the polls, concluding that the Harris campaign “lacked the energy” of his own campaigns and that Black male voters ” just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president.” Allow me to just say, “ouch.” (NY Post)

“We have yet to see the same kinds of…

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