Red state

Kane Pushes for Bout With ‘Happy Hands’ Walz, Says Linda McMahon Was Tougher, Cheers Trump 2.0 – RedState

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz claimed he could take Trump supporters in a “WWE type” match, and Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs immediately issued a challenge. Jacobs, well known for his career as WWE legend Kane, talked to RedState about a possible charity match.

In a lengthy discussion on several topics, Jacobs explained that any money raised from the match would go to charity, offered some advice for Walz’s gimmick in the ring, praised the early stages of President Trump’s second term, and even revealed who he thought would be a more formidable opponent – the governor or Education Secretary Linda McMahon.

Since losing the election, Walz has been trying out a new tough guy persona, culminating in a discussion with California Governor Gavin Newsom in which he boasted about being able to “kick most of their (MAGA) a**.”

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