Red state

Katie Couric’s Comment on Pentagon Media Changes Goes Viral and Melts the Irony Meters – RedState

As we reported, the Pentagon informed its resident press corps that NBC, the NY Times, NPR, and Politico would be moving out of the special spaces they had been occupying in the building for media. Now, according to the Pentagon, they will be giving other media the chance to use the spaces on a rotational basis, and not just having them used by the favored few. The first set of new people to be able to use the space were the New York Post, Breitbart News, OANN, and the Huffington Post. 

That of course made folks on the left lose their mind. 

READ MORE: Gotta Love It: Pentagon Changes to Media Offices Cause Meltdowns on the Left

Perhaps one of the worst responses was from Katie Couric, who has been a news presenter for the three big legacy networks at various points in her career, including NBC. The tweet went crazy viral with almost 24 million views. It’s…

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