Hot Air

Key Dems, Donors Declaring Independence from Biden? – HotAir

Joe Biden’s efforts to shore up support for his candidacy hit a fever pitch yesterday. The White House hosted an hour-plus conference with Democrat governors who attended in person and virtually to hear Biden’s pitch. His allies went to Capitol Hill to get congressional Democrats back into line. Biden and his team also did something they have long avoided — getting Biden to talk to reporters, recording two radio interviews and prepping for a televised tete-a-tete with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos tomorrow.

How did all of that go for Biden? According to the Daily Mail, not well at allWhile some of the governors came out of the meeting singing Biden’s praises, and Kathy Hochul claimed the support was unanimous. However, a few of them warned Biden that he couldn’t win, and were none too happy with Hochul either:

New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul offered unanimous support for…

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