Being on the West Coast, ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel had the ability to react to President Donald Trump’s address to Congress on his Tuesday show. Naturally, Kimmel’s reaction included plenty of insults directed Trump’s way, but he also suggested Speaker Mike Johnson got an erection when he kicked Rep. Al Green out of the chamber for disruptive behavior.
Kimmel observed how, “this is the fifth time Trump has addressed Congress, and he got quite an introduction from the sergeant at arms.”
In the following clip, a satirical sergeant of arms was shown introducing Trump how Kimmel wished the real one would have, “Mr. Speaker, members of Congress, please welcome Diaper Donnie, Manboob Mussolini, Captain Bone Spurs, Mar-a-Lardo, The Notorious P.I.G., General Von Shitzenpants, Putin’s Corn Bucket, His Flatulency, the president of the United States,…