News Busters

Kimmel Blames Trump For Iranian Threats To Assassinate Him

ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel reacted to Donald Trump warning Iran that he would “blow it to smithereens” if it harmed him or any other presidential candidate by claiming Trump cannot actually do that because he withdrew from the nuclear deal as president.

Kimmel began by reading a Trump Truth Social post, “And then, he said something I’ve never seen him say before, ‘Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service – Zero ‘no’ votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something.’”



Then, because history began in 2016, he added, “Yes, I wonder who has driven them so far apart? It’s a mystery.”

Kimmel then teed up a clip of Trump by declaring, “And yet, even though both parties joined together to protect him while he plays putt-putt, he’s angry at the White…

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