Hot Air

Kiss Michigan Bye-Bye – HotAir

After about the first five minutes of Thursday night’s presidential debate, panic set in among Democrats — and it hasn’t abated since. The exposure of Joe Biden’s senility on prime time has every Democrat in office scrambling for themselves, hoping to distance themselves from both the upcoming electoral collapse as well as any blame for it. Replacement scenarios that could have possibly worked a year ago are now being frantically exhumed far past their expiration dates, including several prospects for an elite-clique appointment that ignores 14 million primary voters in this cycle.

One of the most prominent names bandied about since 9:06 pm ET Thursday is that of Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, whose state will be critical to Democrat hopes in November. Her name got bandied about so much, in fact, that Whitmer began worrying about looking disloyal to the naked emperor,

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