Is it a battle of the briefers? New York Times media reporter Michael Grynbaum reported on Page One that John Kirby, “who is white,” might “upstage a Black woman” as the face of the Biden white House. It’s “turned their double act into a third-rail subject.”
Grynbaum reflected the conventional wisdom, gently: she’s not good at this. “He evinces a clarity and comfort at the lectern that can sometimes elude Ms. Jean-Pierre, 49, a more rote public speaker with less experience tussling with an adversarial press.” The pro-Biden press is “adversarial”?
Even the text box had a tilt: “The administration relies on a longtime Washington hand to spread its message.”
Jean-Pierre has resented Kirby’s presence from the beginning. Grynbaum writes, at a farewell party for Jen Psaki, Biden told KJP don’t worry, “you’ll have an admiral looking over your shoulder.” Like…