News Busters

Kyoto Play Explores Climate Change Amid Political Tensions with Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour is first and foremost an international affairs correspondent, but for Friday’s PBS edition of Amanpour & Co., she interviewed playwright Joe Murphy and actor Stephen Kunken at the Soho Place theatre in London, where the climate change message play Kyoto, cowritten by Murphy and starring Kunken, is being performed.

Amanpour, who surely considers herself an intellectual, sounded like any other knee-jerk liberal when she again lauded the Hulu series The Handmaid’s Tale (also featuring Kunken), the source for all the red cloak-white bonnet uniform of hundreds of unimaginative feminist protests in the Trump era.

She called climate change “the existential crisis of our time.” There was praise for environmentalist and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who signed the Paris Climate Accords in 2016 as…

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