Lamb Chop lives. Mallory Lewis, daughter of famed puppeteer Shari Lewis, is making good on a promise she made to her mother.
She said, “I promised my mom I would keep Lamb Chop alive.” She grew up with Lamb Chop, her “sister” and often slept with the puppet as a child. She joined her mother’s act at the age of 12 in a behind-the-scenes role.
At the age of 12, Mallory began ghostwriting newspaper columns on Shari’s behalf, and she would also watch her mother’s act with a script and a pencil in hand. If a joke “hit,” she would put a plus sign next to it. If it didn’t hit, she would add a minus sign. Shari used that feedback to hone her act. Eventually, Mallory became the head writer of one of her mother’s television shows.
After her mother passed away in 1998, Mallory toured the country, accepting honors and awards for her mother posthumously. Her then-husband reminded her that…