Pro Political Tip For Mika Brzezinski: When praising Joe Biden, DO NOT, under any circumstances, talk about his “touch.”
And yet, on today’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski violated that rule. Expressing her sadness at Biden leaving the race, Mika thrice extolled Biden’s “touch.”
Mika, Mika, Mika! You say “touch,” and for millions of Americans it brings to mind unsettling images. Biden’s “touch” with the daughter of Dem Sen. Chris Coons, seen here, is just one of many such examples.
MIKA: He had authenticity and touch. Whether you saw it or not, but everything about him, even sometimes the stutter and the bumbling was part of the touch, part of the sort of empathic, very loving, very clear, clear-eyed touch that he had, that allowed him and enabled him to be an effective president.
A bit earlier, trying to explain why Biden dug in his heels before…