News Busters

Latinos For Trump Are ‘So Americanized’ They ‘Tap Into The Nativism’

MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart was greatly confused on his Wednesday show why a growing number of Latinos are supporting Donald Trump. To help him find an answer, he welcomed contributor Paola Ramos to promote her new book on the subject, which boils down to some Latinos are also be anti-Latino racists.

Diaz-Balart set the table, “Let’s talk about Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means for America. So, among the things that you highlight in this book, which I agree with Stuart on, everybody’s got to get, is the growing number of Latinos, many immigrants or children of immigrants who oppose unrestricted immigration. Explain how that apparent dichotomy exists.”



Folks on the left often like to claim that the idea that they support “unrestricted immigration” is a strawman, but here is Diaz-Balart lamenting that a…

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