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Lawyer Argues for Catholic School’s Religious Freedom

A catholic school’s ability to operate in accordance with its faith is in jeopardy. 

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit heard oral arguments in St. Joseph Parish v. Nessel on Tuesday, June 11. The case involves a Catholic school in Michigan that is asking the court to protect its ability to hire staff who share its faith.

The Michigan Supreme Court reinterpreted a state civil rights statute’s definition of sex in July 2022 to include sexual orientation without any exemption for religious organizations. In March 2023, the Michigan legislature wrote this into state law, expressly prohibiting discrimination on sexual orientation or gender identity. 

The school’s right to hire staff who hold its views on marriage and gender is at risk. St. Joseph’s asks all staff to be practicing Catholics and uphold the faith. 

St. Joseph’s also risks being…

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