Red state

Left-Wing Media Only Rushed to Report on Biden’s Cognitive Decline When It Exposed Their Culpability – RedState

In this episode of Try to Control Your Shock and Amazement…

From at least the beginning of the 2020 presidential election campaign, it was apparent to the objective among us that “Basement Joe” Biden was not the Joe Biden of old with respect to his cognitive capacity.

The Biden campaign denied it, and the liberal media rushed to back the claim.

In the subsequent months, now years, it became more and more obvious that Biden’s mental decline had not only continued; it had accelerated. Yet still, the liberal media lapdogs continued to fly wingman for the continually lying administration without question.

SEE ALSOMedia Whiplash: Press Veers From Intense Curiosity About Trump’s Health to Abject Apathy Over Biden’s

Then, June 27, 2024, happened. The presidential debate exposed to the world that the president of the United States was indeed cognitively gone. Oops, liberal media, now…

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