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Leftist Groups Like SPLC Promote Panic for Cash

The world must be getting so much worse!

Activists protest everywhere.

Listening to them, I’d think hate, homophobia, racism, and environmental threats are at record highs.

But it’s not true.

Despite our ugly election politics, for most people, life is better than ever.  

Our air and water are cleaner. People live longer and healthier lives. There’s less racism and homophobia.

But if they admit that, activists would be out of a job.

In my new video, John Tierney, a journalist who’s covered protests for years, says, “For activists, success is a threat. It is going to put you out of business.”

I push back. “They’re not a business. They’re not making money doing this.”

“Yes, they are!” Tierney says.

He’s right. Environmental groups probably make the most. The head of the World Wildlife Fund pays himself $1.2 million a…

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