In general, I believe gloating is bad form; you can take some pleasure in your victories but there’s no need to rub your opponent’s face in it. That being said, it’s very, very hard to work up any sympathy for the leftist TV hosts and politicians who are traumatized by the sudden end of Biden’s reelection quest. After all, they’ve been lying to us for years about Joe’s condition, and they’re utterly corrupt, so it’s a bit much to think we should feel sorry for them now.
CNN’s Van Jones, who famously called it a “whitelash” after Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, could not control his emotions on live TV:
A crying Van Jones says Biden not running for re-election is like taking the car keys from your ailing grandpa…
If this is a ‘take the keys’ moment, then how is he still a sitting president?