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Left’s Campaign to Highjack Supreme Court Takes Bizarre Turn

One reason the colonies declared independence from Great Britain was the political manipulation of the courts, but the Left today seems to think that judicial manipulation is a good idea after all.

Leftists’ campaign to control the Supreme Court includes institutional and personal threats, smears of individual justices, and now articles of impeachment from the liberal congresswoman known as AOC.

Did anyone not see that one coming from AOC? Calling names and making accusations long proved false are no more persuasive dressed up in a new way. Let’s review:

August 2019: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and four other Senate liberals file a brief in a Second Amendment case threatening the Supreme Court with “restructuring” if it decides the case the wrong way.

March 2020: Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., shouts from the Supreme Court steps that Justices Neil…

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