Hot Air

Liberal Calls for Sotomayor to Retire Now – HotAir

An increasing number of Democrats and liberals are growing quite concerned over the looming possibility that Joe Biden could lose the election in November and usher in another term for Donald Trump. An unsubtle sign of progressive voices all but saying this directly can be found in suggestions on the left that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor should retire quickly and allow Joe Biden to nominate her replacement rather than taking the risk that the Bad Orange Man could inherit the task. The latest example of this trend can be found in a column this week at The Atlantic by Josh Barrow with the brief, blunt title, “Sonia Sotomayor Should Retire Now.” 

Barrow begins with a walk down memory lane. He invites the reader to imagine a world where Hillary Clinton won the 2016 presidential election. Republicans had been holding Antonin Scalia’s seat open since his death in February of…

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