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Liberals step on rake trying to capitalize on insurers pulling out of Florida

Just a note about analyzing population trends to finish out the evening. We’ve covered plenty of stories here about the massive outflux of population and particularly businesses from California over the past year or two. Most of them display the results of residents and business owners giving in to despair over the state of the Golden State as crime, homelessness, and other factors driven by bad Democratic policies make the state increasingly unlivable. Another common theme shows that many of those who are departing head for red states, with Florida being one of the largest beneficiaries. But today I saw a few wags on social media pointing to some coverage of businesses folding up and leaving Florida. ‘See? People are leaving Ron DeSantis’ state too!” One such article appeared in the Tampa Bay Times today and it involved Farmers Insurance largely pulling out of Florida. But a quick look at the details reveals that Farmers isn’t pulling out because of any governmental policies or a failing housing market in Florida. They’re leaving because of acts of God.Read More 

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