You know how awfully fond I am of the lithium-ion battery stories. Sometimes, the ones I’ve covered have been semitrailers full of them overturning and lighting off, or a warehouse full, or – more menacing – a battery storage facility close to residential areas that suddenly goes thermal, and evacuations ensue.
But mostly, I wind up discussing them in the context of the EVs I am equally fond of. *spits*
This morning, between a note from Global Travlr and a WattsUpWithThat email about the same event, I thought I had my theme set and ready to go. But when researching, I found something even more disturbing.
Everything is all tied together by battery fires.
Europe is (thankfully) way ahead of us on the climate-culture-induced EV madness, even as far as their public safety vehicles go. Where many American cities are only just beginning to get that first “electric” fire truck…