Liz Cheney Exploits Alexei Navalny’s Death With Cheap Attack on Donald Trump – RedState
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Liz Cheney Exploits Alexei Navalny’s Death With Cheap Attack on Donald Trump – RedState

Former Rep. Liz Cheney did her typical duty of regurgitating anti-Trump talking points on the Sunday morning news circuit. In this episode, she followed a similar script as her contemporaries, exploiting the tragic death of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny to attack conservatives and Republicans who do not support continued aid to Ukraine.

In an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Cheney weighed in on a series of issues related to Ukraine and Russia. She insisted that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) should call the House back from recess to vote in favor of sending billions more to Ukraine – even if it means risking being ousted like his predecessor, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

“He ought to understand that it is worth it if he has to lose his speakership in order to make sure that freedom survives, in order to make sure that the United States of America…

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