Hot Air

Looking to Strip Hungary of Its Veto In Order to ‘Defend European Values’ – HotAir

You guys thought England and Germany were bad?

They are damn all birds of an authoritarian feather there in Europe, tell you what.

So it should be no surprise to find out that the umbrella organization binding them all (with the exception of a crestfallen Labour government in the UK) together is a firm believer in stomping on freedom to save democracy from itself, even if that means stomping on a member country and not just the citizens who live within those borders.

Hungary’s Viktor Orban has been a thorn in Disney witch Ursulsa Von der Leyen’s side for years.

Here he is in 2023, spiking her carefully orchestrated answer to the immigration catastrophe still plaguing Europe. No, he says – you’re not sending them here to keep western Europeans happy and we are not letting any across our borders.

Hungary is ‘closed.’

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